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At midnight, when suddenly you hear an invisible procession going by with exquisite music, voices, don't mourn your luck that's failing now, work gone wrong, yo...
That we've broken their statues, that we've driven them out of their temples, doesn't mean at all that the gods are dead. O land of Ionia, they're still in love...
Sirmio, you jewel of all peninsulas and all the islands of the crystal lakes and the great oceans Neptune circles, how delightedly, how gladly, I return, hardly...
It’s as pleasing to me as, they say, that golden apple was to the swift girl, that loosed her belt, too long tied.Gaius Valerius Catullushttp://www.poemhunt...
STRANGER, the bark you see before you says That in old times and in her early days She was a lively vessel that could make The quickest voyages, and overtake Al...